Monday, September 14, 2009

Baby, Preschool and Other News

I don't think this will come as a surprise to anyone reading this blog, but I don't think I've actually mentioned on here yet that we are having a baby. I'm due on Feb 1st, so I'm about halfway along now. This pregnancy has been really different than the first. I think being preoccupied with a toddler running around has made it go by a lot faster. Ava seems to have taken to the idea of the baby. She often kisses my belly and talks about the baby. When we ask her whether it will be a brother or a sister, she always answers "sister." However, when we ask if she thinks it will be a boy or a girl, she answers differently depending on the day.

Ava started preschool this year. She goes two days a week, Mondays and Wednesdays. We decided to start her a little earlier than we'd originally planned. It would help with my work schedule (I recently started teaching two classes), and she is very social and seems to enjoy playing with other kids.

We did a trial run with her backpack the weekend before school started.

Leaving for school on the first day, Ava insisted on carrying my purse.

On the first day of school, while we waited in line to drop her off at her room, a lot of kids were crying and holding on to their parents. When it was her turn, Ava ran right in the room toward the toys without looking back. I was a little sad to watch my baby run off independently, but I was also proud, and it felt like it validated our decision to go ahead and send her to preschool.